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TikTok star who licked toilet seat for Covis-19 challenge says she is positive

Ava Louise, the social media influencer who licked a toilet seat on an airplane to start a coronavirus challenge, says she has Covid-19.

Louise shared the infamous video where she licked an airplane toilet seat in March, and it has garnered millions of views on social media.

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During an interview with the Australian radio show The Kyle and Jackie O Show on April 24, Louise said she believed she had Covid-19.

I think I have corona, ”said Louise. “I think so. People will say it’s karma for licking a toilet seat, but frankly it’s okay, I just get really thin from it. “

She said that she felt a little uncomfortable and that she “definitely has corona”. However, Louise isn’t too worried as she hopes to lose 15 pounds.

The social media influencer said, “It’s just going to be like getting Lipo without actually getting Lipo.”

On the same day, Louise tweeted, “[I] had a fever, cough, etc. for 7 days. I lost a lot of weight, so that’s not karma, because after all I will look like Mariah Carey thin. I didn’t post anything because I was too sick. “

Louise, who lives in New Jersey, said during the Kyle and Jackie O Show that she thinks she got Covid-19 from her boyfriend.

The social media influencer has been isolating herself in her apartment since she began to feel the symptoms. Louise has not confirmed whether she tested positive for the corona virus.

Louise Says She Didn’t Want the ‘Covid-19 Challenge’ to Actually Be a Challenge

Louise filmed the video in which, according to KIIS 1065, she licked the toilet seat in her “83-year-old friend’s private plane”. She said she didn’t try to make it a challenge, she tried to upset the media, and made yourself known.

When asked if she was afraid that children would copy their Coronavirus Challenge, she said: “Nobody copied it, literally the other child who copied it is literally my best friend, and he wanted to be checked too. “

“It’s actually not a challenge,” she said. “Nobody copies it.”

Louise Licked the Toilet Seat to Get Verified on Instagram

The reason Louise made the video was to get more popular, she said.

In the interview, she said: “I honestly wanted to be verified on Instagram and promote my song. I just thought I needed more news articles to be verified and I thought my song on TikTok was going viral too, and I just wanted people to google me and just listen to it out of curiosity. “

Her song “Skinny Legend Anthem” has currently been streamed over 1.5 million times on Spotify.

Louise continued, “So I think I’m just going to make money with it anyway. I don’t care if I have to sacrifice my dignity a bit. I do it all the time, we all do it.”

The social media influencer said that after her video went viral, she got an additional 100,000 followers on social media.

ٹک ٹاک اسٹار نے کورونا وائرس چیلنج کے لئے ٹوائلٹ سیٹ چاٹ لی

لوئس نے مارچ میں اپنے ہوائی جہاز کی ٹوائلٹ سیٹ چاٹ لینے کی بدنام زمانہ ویڈیو شیئر کی تھی ، اور اس نے سوشیل میڈیا پر لاکھوں خیالات حاصل کیے ہیں۔

ریڈیو شو دی کیل اور جیکی او شو کو انٹرویو کے دوران ، لوئس نے کہا کہ انھیں یقین ہے کہ ان کو کورونا وائرس ہے۔

میرے خیال میں مجھی کورونا ہے ، لوئس نے کہا مجھے لگتا ہے کہ بیت الخلا کی نشست چاٹنا یہ کرما ہے لیکن ایمانداری سے ، یہ ٹھیک ہے ، میں اس سے واقعی پتلی ہوجاؤں گی۔

اس نے کہا کہ وہ تھوڑی دور محسوس ہورہی ہیں اور انھیں “یقینی طور پر کورونا ہے۔” تاہم ، لوئس زیادہ پریشان نہیں ہیں ، کیوں کہ وہ 15 پاؤنڈ کھونے کی امید کر رہی ہیں۔

سوشل میڈیا پر اثر انداز کرنے والے نے کہا ، “یہ صرف لیپو حاصل کیے بغیر ہی لیپو حاصل کرنے کی طرح ہوتا ہے۔”

اسی دن ، لوئس نے ٹویٹ کی مجھے 7 دن بخار تھا ، کھانسی ، وغیرہ۔ بہت زیادہ وزن ضائع ہوچکا ہے، میں ان سب کے بعد ماریہ کیری کی طرح پتلی نظر آؤں گا۔ . میں کچھ پوسٹ نہیں کر رہی ہوں میں بھی بیمار ہوں۔

نیو جرسی میں رہنے والی لوئس نے دی کائل اور جیکی او شو کے دوران کہا ہے کہ انھیں یقین ہے کہ اس نے کورونا وائرس اپنے بوائے فرینڈ سے حاصل کیا ہے۔

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