Mirpur Khas, The Exams section of Mirpur Khas Board was determined to hold BISE Mirpur Khas 12th Class annual exams 2021 in the exams centers, which were allotted to the students. The students received their Mirpur Khas Board Grade 12 annual exams 2021 date sheet, which was added with complete schedule of intermediate class annual exams and students watched dates and time of their papers. The students obtained their BISE Mirpur Khas Inter class part 2 roll no slips 2021 and they were able to appear in the coming intermediate annual exams. The names of the exams centers and particulars of the students were shown in the roll number slips of the students. Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Mirpur Khas managed Mirpur Khas Board 2nd year annual exams 2021 after making all necessary arrangements of the exams and appointed exams staff in concerned exams centers. The exams section of Mirpur Khas Board announced their Mirpur Khas Board Class 12 result annual exams 2021 with the detail of marks and names of top position holding students. The candidates download their BISE Mirpur Khas FA/FSc Part 2 model papers 2021,which are shared online and students can study them and they can get help of Mirpur Khas Board Grade XII past papers 2021 of many subjects, which are shared on official website of the board in order to revise their syllabus.
You Can Check Online Result 2021 From Here: