In a heart-wrenching turn of events, a distressed mother faced with marital strife took an incredibly devastating step, plunging into the Kabul River in the Nowshera district, with her young children beside her.
A Tragic Leap into the River
The police report indicates that the woman, along with her three children—Abdul Hadi (6), Moubin (4), and Yahya (3)—jumped from the Kherabad Bridge into the river near Nizampur.
A Rescue Effort Amidst Tragedy
While local residents managed to save the unconscious woman, the search for the two missing children proved challenging due to flooding caused by the merging of the Indus River and Kabul River in Kherabad. Regrettably, only Abdul Hadi’s body was recovered.
Unveiling the Tragic Circumstances
As authorities called upon the Rescue 1122 team to search for the missing bodies, a disturbing revelation came to light. The mother was subsequently arrested and faced charges of killing her three young sons while attempting suicide. The investigation exposed the family’s dire circumstances, with the husband’s meager income and the children’s unfortunate kidney ailments.